
Funglish R6年度


ピースI'm happy!ピース

The second graders learned how to express their feelings today by asking, "How are you?", and answering, "I'm happy."

2年生は「How are you?」「I'm ~.」と、自分の気持ちを表現する方法を学びました。

They also made flipbooks and played a fun game targeting emotions while the teachers held them. We ended the class by singing the classic, 'If you're happy and you know it' and a lot of kids clapped their hands! また、パラパラ漫画を作ったり、先生と気持ちのカードをターゲットにした楽しいゲームをしたりしました。授業の最後には、「幸せなら手をたたこう」を一緒に英語で歌いました。


笑うHow are you?泣く

The third graders learned about feelings today. They learned how to ask, "How are you?" and answer "I'm good!". They also enjoyed playing 'Simon Says' and 'Target game'. It was a fun way to start the week!



グループ Indoor Recreational Clubグループ

The Indoor Recreational Club warmly welcomed the Funglish world team as they played card games with the students and teachers of Nishi Elementary school. Seen in the picture is Rona who just played Reverse (Osero) and Penn who had fun playing Babanuki with some students. It was a fun way to enjoy card games and learn English at the same time.



飛行機Hello, World!飛行機

The 4th graders had a blast on the 1st term! They were able to greet their friends and teachers using different languages while playing a fun game called "Build the Tower", which they all enjoyed a lot. 


They also talked about their favorite fruits, vegetables and sports with their friends during the interview activity. Indeed, the 1st term has been fun and fruitful to everyone!




視聴覚Funglish World視聴覚

Students watched a movie about the Golden Goose today. They learned how to order some food and buy tickets. Afterwards, they game some comments about it during an interview.
