
Funglish R6年度

Thank you! 2学期!

星Merry Christmas星

    Merry Christmas and happy new year, everyone! This year has been great and fun. We sure made some unforgettable memories in and outside the class, too. We look forward to the year ahead. But for now, have a wonderful holiday! See you after the break! 



ハートWhat do you want?ハート

     We surely have some room for dessert! Our fourth graders welcomed customers and special guests as they opened their parfait shop. It's great to learn something useful in a fun way. This ends our unit on vegetables, fruits, and numbers. Well done!



キラキラGet ready for Xmas!キラキラ

     Christmas is coming and we wanted to make decorations so we asked for help. Thankfully, our students are not only active, but helpful as well. We made Santa hats, flowers, and other ornaments from paper. Thank you, everyone!



星Animals & Insects星

   Do you like insects? Our students are now learning about them. Funglish world's theme for this month is about animals and insects! In the Philippines, insects are everywhere in the rainy season. They come in different colors and sizes. It's interesting to study life forms.

   昆虫は好きですか?お昼休みの活動、Funglish worldの、今月のテーマは、動物と昆虫です!フィリピンの雨季には、虫がたくさんでてきます。色も大きさも様々です。昆虫の生態を学ぶのはとても興味深いですね!

GTEC 英語4技能テスト


 This week is a big one for our sixth graders who took the GTEC. The Global Test of English Communication (GTEC) aims to assess how much students learned throughout their years of studies. It was surely challenging for everyone, but it was a good way to see how much they have improved. Well done!

 6年生が、GTEC(ジーテック)を受けました。GTECとは、小学生から社会人までが英語力を測定できるスコア型英語4技能検定です。 「読む・書く・話す・聞く」の4つの技能を測ることができます。初めてのテストでしたが、集中してスムーズに行うことができました。